Kenneth J. O’Boyle, 97th Bomb Squadron

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Christmas Card 1944, 97th Bomb Squadron.

P-47 Pile-up.  This one cracked up after landing – rolled off the runway and over on its back when it hit the mud.  The pilot got out OK.  57th FG, 64th FS, ”Black Scorpions”.  Razorback, plane #25

On the highway between Verona & Milan. 
Looks like demolition, but a Dead Eye Dick bombardier could have hit it.   May 1945.

Officers Quarters, Grosseto Italy. Lt. Kellner, back to camera. (Note:  My friend Marco Tarsi in Grosseto has looked high and low for this Villa, quite possibly it is in another area).

Lt. O'Boyle, Lt. Mastettler, and Captain Agnew... February 1, 1945:  "I saw Lt. Mastettler, the man with the robe in the picture, down in Rome last month.  He and another patient who was in there with me were A.W.O.L from a Replacement Depot. They were being sent back up to the lines.  I didn’t think Mastettler would ever have to go back up; he had a very large wound in his back.  I thought his shoulder muscles would be paralyzed, but evidently he’s recovered the use of his arm."  

Lt. Moes, Lt. O’Boyle.  (This and pic #17 are on balcony of pic #14, “Officers Quarters”)

Lt. Domich, Lt. O’Boyle

Grosseto kids, December 17, 1944.

Porto San Stephano Italy.  Sub Base & Naval refueling point for German surface craft.  June 1945. 

Porto San Stephano today.  Pics courtesy Marco Tarsi.

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